Thursday, June 15, 2017

35 weeks =)

How far along?
35 weeks 5 days
Size of baby?
size of a honeydew melon
Total weight gain/loss:
 +35 lbs
Maternity clothes? 
Pregnancy symptoms this week? 
I've been having braxton hicks a lot. And kind of a lot of pain in my belly the last few days.
Stretch marks? 
meh, had some weird dreams and Jolie is sleeping on our floor almost every night and sometimes will wake me up. Also I've had a cold for about a week and a half :/
Best moment this week:
Hopefully finishing the nursery this weekend! I had a dream that I had him last night and my stress level sky rocketed!
Miss Anything? 
 Sushi, breathing normally haha and being comfortable
 Yes! He is very active! Wiggling and kicking all the time
Food cravings: 
Strawberries and watermelon and my favorite salad from costco
Anything making you queasy or sick: 
Nope feeling good
Have you started to show yet:
haha yep, I'm getting pretty giant
Belly button in or out? 
 It is getting flat
Wedding rings on or off? 
Happy and tired and nervous and uncomfortable and worried about getting everything ready for him to come and worried he will come early
Looking forward to: Dr appt this afternoon, finishing his room, getting to see what he looks like =)

31 weeks!

How far along?
31 weeks 4 day
Size of baby?
size of a coconut
Total weight gain/loss:
 +28 lbs
Maternity clothes? 
Yep, full on maternity clothes about 2 weeks ago
Pregnancy symptoms this week? 
Not really, feeling great and feeling baby move all the time.
Stretch marks? 
 Pretty good
Best moment this week:
Found out my placenta moved! So no previa, no c-section, no more restrictions!
Miss Anything? 
 Yes! He is very active! Wiggling and kicking all the time
Food cravings: 
Cookies, fruit and my favorite salad from costco
Anything making you queasy or sick: 
Nope feeling good
Have you started to show yet:
haha yep, my belly is getting big
Belly button in or out? 
 It is getting flat
Wedding rings on or off? 
Happy =) and a little worried about Jolie. She is having a hard time going to sleep in her room and wants to sleep in our room all the time. I'm thinking about changing her crib into a toddler bed to see if that will make her want to sleep in there again
Looking forward to: More appointments, finishing his room and just living life until he comes!

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

28 weeks

How far along?
28 weeks 1 day
Size of baby?
size of a large eggplant
Total weight gain/loss:
 +20 lbs
Maternity clothes? 
Pregnancy symptoms this week? 
Not really, feeling great and feeling baby move all the time.
Stretch marks? 
 Not sleeping quite as well, starting to get some discomfort in my hips
Best moment this week:
Feeling Baby Boy ALL THE TIME
Miss Anything? 
 Sushi and intercourse haha
 Yes! He is very active! Wiggling and kicking all the time
Food cravings: 
Anything making you queasy or sick: 
I have had some weird bouts of queasiness this week. Usually from too much sweet stuff =/
Have you started to show yet:
Yep a little baby bump thats getting bigger
Belly button in or out? 
 It is getting flat
Wedding rings on or off? 
 Happy =) and tired because Miss Jojo has been sick and not sleeping well at all, maybe because she knows baby brother will be joining us soon. She is a lot more emotional and sensitive lately, especially about being alone or left alone.
Looking forward to:My dr appt on Thursday and finishing his room! I have the crib all set up and I got the crib mattress and stroller last week. I still need to buy/make all the decorations and my mom and I need to go to the fabric store for fabric for his quilt and for the fabric to cover Jolie's old car seat. And we need to get the hunting stuff out of the room and into the trailer. 

Monday, March 27, 2017

24 weeks =)

How far along?
24 weeks 1 day
Size of baby? 
1 lb 9 oz at our ultrasound on Friday, size of an ear of corn
Total weight gain/loss:
 +12 lbs
Maternity clothes? 
Pregnancy symptoms this week? 
Not really, feeling great and feeling baby move all the time.
Stretch marks? 
 Sleeping well!
Best moment this week:
Follow up ultrasound was on Friday. They got clear shots of everything and he looks perfect. His heart is great and he has long legs! He is at 76% in weight. The OB at the office said he is 90% sure my placenta will move in time to do a vaginal delivery but he thinks we will probably have 2 more follow up ultrasounds to verify. I meet with my Dr on Thursday, so we will see if he agrees and if he will lift any restrictions ;)
Miss Anything? 
 Sushi and intercourse haha
 Yes! He is very active! Wiggling and kicking all the time. Yesterday he kept elbowing the US camera haha
Food cravings: 
I love hamburgers and Samoas lately
Anything making you queasy or sick: 
Nope no sickness anymore!
Have you started to show yet:
Yep a little baby bump =)
Belly button in or out? 
 In mostly but definitely starting to change and flatten out and poke out a little
Wedding rings on or off? 
 Happy =)
Looking forward to:My dr appt on Thursday, finishing cleaning out his room. I have gotten a ton of work done in the last few weeks so I just need to finish =) I ordered his crib, some swaddle blankets and clothes and of course his own bunny! It will be really fun to get his room put together once they all arrive and I finish up the clean up project.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

20 weeks and feeling GREAT!

Half way Baby! I am feeling great and we had an amazing time on our trip! I am updating this post because the day after my original post, Fri, March 3rd, I got a call from my doctor's office with the results from my ultrasound that I had Wed, March 1st. First, she said that everything looks great with the baby. They couldn't see his whole heart so they need to do a follow up ultrasound just to make sure everything is clear. Then, she said that I have placenta previa, which means my placenta is covering my cervix. So, I will be having a c-section and we can not have any intercourse through the rest of the pregnancy. I also can not do any weight training more than 30 lbs. We scheduled an ultrasound in 3 weeks and at that point they will check it again as well as his heart. They will also determine if I have full previa, where the placenta is attached on both sides of the cervix. If this is the case, then they will watch me very closely and the c-section will be the only option. If by some chance, my placenta moves away from my cervix, there is a very small chance that I can do a vaginal birth again. They don't seem to think this is very likely. I had a low-lying placenta with Jolie also but my doctor didn't really think I would end up with a C-section and I didn't. This time my new doctor is a lot more concerned, hence the restrictions. My cousin, Laraine, has the same thing! And it only occurs in 5% of pregnancies. As her pregnancy has progressed her restrictions have just increased and she also found out last week that she is absolutely having a C-section. She is 29 weeks along. She will have another ultrasound in 5 weeks and they will begin steroid shots to help the baby's lungs develop. Then, she will have her C-section between 36 and 38 weeks. So if my pregnancy progresses similarly to hers, we may end up with a June baby after all haha. I feel worried and it sucks that there is literally nothing that I can do for the next 3 1/2 months to change any of the outcomes.

How far along? 
20 weeks 4 days
Size of baby? 
About 10 inches, 12 oz, size of a banana
Total weight gain/loss:
 +9-10 lbs
Maternity clothes? 
Pregnancy symptoms this week? 
Not much, I feel great! A little soreness in my lower abdomen but they may be from exercising the other night haha. My morning sickness went away at 16-17 weeks and we had an amazing time on our trip to Sea World, Disneyland and Universal Studios when I was 18 weeks!
Stretch marks? 
 Sleeping well, although I did have a nightmare last night =(
Best moment this week:
Anatomical Ultra Sound was yesterday so we got to see our little man again
Miss Anything? 
 Yes! He is very active! Wiggling and kicking all the time. Yesterday he kept elbowing the US camera haha
Food cravings: 
I love spicy food! Cheerios with Bananas.
Anything making you queasy or sick: 
If I eat too much sweets I feel a little sick
Have you started to show yet:
 Yep I think people are starting to know I am pregnant and not just chubby
Belly button in or out? 
 In mostly but definitely starting to change and flatten out
Wedding rings on or off? 
 Happy =)
Looking forward to:Getting Cooper's room cleaned out so I can start getting it set up for him! Also hearing the Dr's opinions/results from the ultrasound yesterday.

Monday, January 16, 2017

14 weeks: It's a BOY!

January 16, 2017
(Picture from last week)

Today was the day! We went to Fetal Fotos and found out that Jolie has been right all along. Our baby is a BOY!!! Skyler and I are both so thrilled! We went right after work and baby boy wasn't shy at all! We got a lot of great profile and face shots and of course the money shot of his boy parts! No question! It was very clear and unmistakable! I felt like it was a boy all along, especially because Jolie said it was a boy EVERY time we asked, no matter how we phrased the questions. Then, a couple weeks ago I started having anxiety that I was wrong and it was actually a girl. I want Jolie to have a sister but I REALLY wanted this one to be a boy. I just needed at least one boy and I'm so happy I get him now! He feels like such a gift from my Heavenly Father. Jolie has been such a joy and has made me grow to know and understand God's love for me so much. I can't get enough of her and her fun, spunky personality and I absolutely can't imagine a life without her perfect little soul in it. At the same time, I have wanted a boy for so long and I feel like getting a boy now, after waiting so long to finally get pregnant, is God giving me a little nod. Like, I know it's been hard, I've been saving this boy for you. I'm so grateful for both my perfect babies. Like I said, being Jolie's mother is true joy and happiness and has given me so much! And I can't wait for this new little man to come into our lives as well.

We invited both of our families to come over for a quick reveal. We had Jolie open a box of blue balloons and let them fly out for everyone to see! It was so fun! I think the majority of people thought we were having a boy too, so it wasn't a huge shock haha! It was a lot of fun! His name will be Cooper Skyler Kevern, which is the name we have had picked out since we were first dating! And have fought two out of three of Skyler's siblings for! We are so happy to finally be getting our Coopdy! 

Now on to the questions:

How far along? 
14 weeks 1 day
Size of baby? 
3.5 inches, 1.5 oz, size of a lemon
Total weight gain/loss:
 +2-3 lbs I think
Maternity clothes? 
Pregnancy symptoms this week? 
Morning sickness :( some back pain and always some abdominal discomfort and slight cramping 
Stretch marks? 
 Good, other than I keep staying up too late
Best moment this week:
 We found out baby is A BOY!!!
Miss Anything? 
 Yes! He's wiggling around all the time now 😍
Food cravings: 
Banana peppers, green olives, pickles
Anything making you queasy or sick: 
 Anything sweet
Have you started to show yet:
 Yep there's a tiny, little baby bump :)
Belly button in or out? 
Wedding rings on or off? 
 So happy and relieved to know for sure that he's a boy finally :)
Looking forward to: Not being sick! And Disneyland and Universal studios next month!

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Baby Update: 1st Trimester is Over!

Hello! All is well in baby land so far. We've just finished up the holidays and have had so much fun with each other, Jolie, our families and friends! My friends Chantel and Halee both had their baby boys before Christmas and Skyler's sister, Whitney had the twins, RaeLynn and John on December 28, 2016! They are so tiny and sweet! We also found out that my sister-in-law Becca is having another baby about 5 weeks after me! Their first baby Sawyer just turned 6 months old!

At my first Dr appt, my doctor felt the baby was smaller than my last period would have made it. So the following week I had a quick ultrasound to measure the baby and determine my correct due date. He pushed it back 5 days to July 16, 2017. I told my work and it went okay. Jim and Michelle were pretty awkward but everyone else is happy and excited for me. I had another Dr appt this week and we heard the heart beat! It was fast, about 160 beats per minute. In a week and a few days we have an appointment to go to Fetal Fotos for our gender determination ultrasound! I can't wait! Laraine and my cousin Cory's wife Caitee are due May 19th and May 20th respectively. Laraine is having a girl and Caitee is having a boy!

We have had an awesome couple of weeks! Skyler got me a bunch of relaxation themed Christmas gifts so I have taken lots of baths and loved being pampered by the gifts from my love! We have taken Jolie sledding a few times and she LOVED it!
She has had a blast with her cousins or "my kids" as she calls them. And Skyler and I have loved having some shorter weeks thanks to the holidays. We are planning a trip to San Diego, Disneyland and Universal Studios the week of Valentine's Day and I CAN NOT WAIT!!!!

Now to the questions!

How far along? 
12 weeks, 6 days

Size of baby? 
The size of a clementine 🍊
Total weight gain/loss:
 In the past few weeks, I lost 1 pound and gained 2, so 1 lb from pre-pregnancy weight

Maternity clothes? 
Nope, I got them back from Chantel and they are still in the bag haha

Pregnancy symptoms this week? 
Morning sickness!!! Please go away!

Stretch marks? 
 Not yet

 Pretty good for the most part

Best moment this week:
  I might have felt the baby move yesterday! I'm not sure if it was baby or just gas haha

Miss Anything? 
 I really want to eat sushi!!!

 Maybe! Yesterday I felt something that I think might have been baby!

Food cravings: 
I really like bell peppers and things that are a little spicy. I've really been liking pickles,
 green olives stuffed with garlic and jalapeño, buffalo chicken dip, bean dip, crunchy
lettuce and crisp, more sour apples. I was eating a lot of fast food but I have kind of gotten over that and have been able to come home for lunch and make food a few times.

Anything making you queasy or sick: 
 Sweet things and certain crackers and anything that smells or sounds weird at the moment haha so lots of things. 

Have you started to show yet:
 A little bit

Don't know yet 😩

Belly button in or out? 

Wedding rings on or off? 

 Mostly happy :) with some anxiety about how I'm going to have two babies and about if the baby is a boy or girl haha!
Looking forward to: 
Finding out if baby is a boy or a girl!